2025.3.5 (Wed)

【Reφilm】ファンレター受付のご案内 / Notice Regarding Fan Letters




〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-18-14
MEWLIVEファンレター係 ○○○○(名前)宛


Thank you for supporting Reφilm.

We would like to inform you that we are now accepting fan letters.
Please see the details below.
We will not be accepting gifts or any items other than letters in envelopes. Please do not include any cash in the envelope.

Thank you for your continued support of Reφilm.

Please send fan letters to the following address
1-18-14 Ebisu, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0013, Japan
Ebisu First Square 4F
(Bandai Namco Music Live Inc.
MEWLIVE Fan Letter Department ○○○○ (VTuber name)

【Fan Letter Acceptance Policy】
For security reasons, we will not be accepting gifts – only letters in envelopes will be accepted.
・ Fan letters will be screened by staff before passed along to VTuber.
・Please do not include any personal information other than your name. Letters that include any personal information (excluding your name) will not be passed along to VTuber.
・We will not be able to accept letters sent with insufficient postage.
・Please note that, as a general rule, we cannot return any items sent to us.
・Please refrain from bringing letters directly to our office.
